
CIOP 2015

发布时间:2015-05-20    作者:    来源:    浏览次数:    打印


Optics Frontier—The 7th International Conference on Information Optics and Photonics (CIOP 2015) will take place from July 12 (registration) to July 15, 2015 in Nanjing, the capital city of Jiangsu province. Co-hosted by Chinese Laser Press, Nanjing University, and Nanjing University of Science and Technology......Conference Home



Important Dates:Chinese Journal Submission deadlines May 22, 2015;Early Bird Registration Deadline:Jul 3, 2015

Plenary Talks







Director of the NSF Center for Energy


Electronics Science (E3S); The James &

Katherine Lau Chair Professor of Electrical

Engineering & Computer Sciences, UC

Berkeley; Senior Faculty Scientist, Lawrence

Berkeley National Laboratory, USA

Being updated

H. Jeff


William L. Valentine Professor and Professor of Physics, California Institute of Technology

Being updated



Director of Institute for Nano Quantum Information Electronics,Professor, Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo

Being updated

Xiang Zhang

Prof. Xiang Zhang Member of the National Academy of Engineering; University of California, Berkeley, USA

Being updated

Jie Zhang

Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Studies of Laboratory Astrophysics with High Power Lasers

Huiliang Huang

Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Study on the coming decade Nano CMOSFET and Photovoltaic Devices

Shining Zhu

Prof. Shining Zhu Member of Chinese Academy of Sciences; Nanjing University, China

Being updated

Invited Talks

1:Photonic Integration and Optical Interconnect

Silicon-based ultra-compact wavelength-division-multiplexers and the applications

Daoxin Dai

Zhejiang University

High-speed and low-power optical switches and modulators

Linjie Zhou

Shanghai Jiao Tong University

silicon photonic devices for optical interconnect

Lin Yang

Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences


2:Optical Sensing

Phase resolved acoustic radiation force optical coherence elastography

Zhongping Chen

Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, Univ. of California, Irvine

Optofluidics and Particle Trapping Actuated by Plasmonic Absorption

Ho-Pui Ho

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Tapered singlemode-multimode-singlemode fibre structure and its sensing application

Pengfei Wang

Dublin Institute of Technology,University of Southampton


3:Optical Design and Optical Precision Measurement

Photomasks for semiconductor lithography: From simple shadow casters to complex 3D scattering objects

Andreas Erdmann

Fraunhofer IISB, Erlangen, Germany

Deign, Machining and Measurement of Freeform Optics


The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

The Development of Super-resolution Optical Microscopy

Xu Liu

Dept. of Optical Engineering,Zhejiang University


4:Optical Communication and Optical Network Technology

Coherent radio over fiber for broadband wireless access networks

Jianping Yao

University of Ottawa

Recent Progress in Optical Communications Using Orbital Angular Momentum of Light

Siyuan Yu

Sun Yat-sen University and University of Bristol

Modulation techniques for short reach optical communication systems

Chao Lu

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University


5:Holography and Optical Information Processing

Optical scanning holography : a single-pixel digital holographic technique

Ting-Chung Poon

Virginia Tech, USA

High rate nano-manufacturing for large format highly-functional films and devices

Linsen Chen

Collaborative Innovation Center of Suzhou Nano Science and Technology , Soochow University

Interactions of complex optical fields with nanostructures and their applications

Qiwen Zhan

University of Dayton, USA


6:Optical Imaging and Display

Plasmonic color pixels

Byoungho Lee

Seoul National University

Highly immersive head-mounted displays based on aspherical and freeform optics

Yongtian Wang

Beijing Institute of Technology

Two-view 3D display based on integral imaging

Qionghua Wang

Sichuan University


7:Micro-Nano Photonics and Metamaterials

All-dielectric metasurfaces: controlwavefronts, emission and nonlinearities

Dragomir Neshev

Australian National University, Australia

Graphene Quantum Dots doping of MoS2 monolayers

Zheyu Fang Professor

Peking University, China

Ultra-transparent spatially dispersive media

Yun Lai

Soochow University, China


8:Lasers and Nonlinear Optics

Ultrafast photonics of graphene and other 2D materials

Zhipei Sun

Department of Micro- and Nanosciences, Aalto University, Finland

Silicon and silicon carbide nonlinear nanophotonics

Qiang Lin

University of Rochester,USA

Mid-IR Pulsed Lasers and Spectroscopy of low-dimensional materials

Fengqiu Wang

Nanjing University


9:Quantum Optics and Quantum Information Technology

Fiber-based quantum light source and its applications

Xiaoying Li

Tianjin University

Quantum information processing on integrated photonic networks

Xianmin Jin

Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Third-order GHZ-type and W-type Spatial Correlation with Classical Lights

Pingxing Chen

National University of Defense Technology


10:Advanced Optical Functional Materials and Devices

Low-temperature solution-processed metal oxi-des and their hybrid materials for organic optoelectronics

Wallace C.H. Choy

the University of Hong Kong, China

Novel Electro-Optic Single Crystal Materials

Kiyoshi Shimamura

National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Japan

The New NLO Materials with Large SHG Response and Short Cut-off Edge

Shilie Pan

Xinjiang Technical Institute of Physics & Chemistry, CAS, China


11:Laser Micro-Nano Processing and Optical Precision Fabrication

Femtosecond laser 3D printing for functional devices

Hongbo Sun

Jilin University

Optical detection and coupling of NV centers in diamond

Fangwen Sun

University of Science and Technology of China

Smart wetting surfaces via laser fabrication

Feng Chen

Xian Jiaotong University


12:Optoelectronic Technologies and Frontier Inter-Disciplinary Fields

Study on the coming decade Nano CMOSFET and Photovoltaic Devices

Huiliang Huang

Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Investigation on Sb2Se3: material study and photovoltaic application

Jiang Tang

Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Morphology Control of Porous PbI2Scaffold for High-Performance Perovskite Solar Cells

Rui Zhu

Peking University



Short Course on Photonic Integration Technologies

Part 1:General Introduction to Photonic IntegrationSpeaker:Prof Siyuan Yu, Sun Yat-sen University

Part 2:Indium Phosphide-based Photonic IntegrationSpeaker:Prof Chen JI or Prof Lingjuan Zhao, Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Natural Sciences

Part 3:Silicon-based Photonic IntegrationSpeaker:Prof Tao CHU, Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Natural Sciences.


2015年美国光学学会国际学生圈-南京会议(International OSA Network of Students (IONS) Nanjing 2015)


通信地址:上海市嘉定区清河路390号 中国激光杂志社 201800


传真:021-69918705 邮箱:conference@siom.ac.cn



